Ecoprint with Natural dyes
All you need to know to combine ecoprint with natural dyes to produce exciting, vividly coloured textiles
Welcome !
About me
Please read all the lessons in this chapter carefully
How the course works
important dates
don't forget to join the facebook group!
How to use the facebook group
What you will need
What you will need in more detail
testing an unknown fabric to see what it is
The dyes we will use in this workshop
Dyes, mordants and other chemicals - materials list
learning resources
Using the facebook group to ask questions
Making sure you have enough leaves for this course
What is it in the leaves, that makes them print - or not ?
Leaves have two sides!
Carrier cloths or blankets
Working clean
Using the facebook group to ask questions
For paper printers
Other chemicals, or 'assists'
Tannins as part of the mordanting process
Mordanting method and recipes
mordanting and sampling instructions pdf
When to dye
Dyeing for ecoprinters is different than pure natural dyeing
Making your dyebaths
What colour should your pieces be when you take them out of the dyebath?
Powders and extracts- what's the difference?
dyebaths for paper printers
steaming your bundle
steaming your bundle
Sampling- why and how
Bundling more than one sample at a time
Documenting your process
A previous participant Hilary kindly amalgamated all the instructions into one printable document. You need to open the lesson to print it off
what can we learn from bundle1?
what we can learn from bundle 2 ?
Some more learning from bundle 2
more learning from bundle 2
learning from bundle 3
learning from bundle 3
more about the interaction between target and blankets
But my blankets are more beautiful than my samples !
Relax! Every bundle you make is a learning opportunity
Incredibly potent dischargers
paper printers?
Discharging leaves
Some examples of results of using discharging leaves
See if you can work out what's going on here
Making a leaf chart
See if you can work out what's going on here - the answers
An example of a silk scarf - what are the leaves doing?
a puzzle for you
printing a scarf - without wrinkles
getting your fabric smooth
bundling a scarf with a blanket (If you did my foundation course you have seen this before)
Further explorations
Other methods of dyeing
making a dyebath from home grown or foraged materials
post mordanting
For those of you addicted to sampling...
Discussion of influence of cooking time on discharge
Iron rescue dip
what now?
Come for a walk round my garden with me
your workbook/manual as a pdf
CONGRATULATIONS ! - and what happens next
Caroline Nixon