Ecoprint with Natural dyes
All you need to know to combine ecoprint with natural dyes to produce exciting, vividly coloured textiles
Welcome !
About me
How the course works
important dates
What you will need
shopping list for dyes and mordants
The dyes we will use in this workshop
Making sure you have enough leaves for this course by freezing or drying
testing an unknown fabric to see what it is
learning resources
The recipes
Making your dyebaths
Testing unfamiliar dyes
printing a scarf - without wrinkles
getting your fabric smooth
bundling a scarf with a blanket (If you have done one of my other online courses you will already have seen it, but as it's my top tip, here it is again)
another tip for wrinkle free bundling
making a dyebath from home grown or foraged materials
Other methods of dyeing
post mordanting
exploring the influence of cooking time
influence of cooking time on discharge
Testing an unfamiliar dye part 1
testing an unfamiliar dye part 2.
Practical learning points from testing ceriops
Folding your fabric for mirror images
Revealing the mirror image piece
Mirror images with natural dyes
more about mirror images - incorporating barriers and blankets part 1
more about mirror images - incorporating barriers and blankets part 2
bundling on flexible pipes
printing garments
choosing a garment to print
printing a garment without blankets part1
printing a garment without a blanket part 2
printing a garment with blankets
Patterned backgrounds
Patterned backgrounds using simple shibori
honeycomb shibori
dyeing your honeycomb shibori
the potential for combining shibori with ecoprint
Multiple dye blankets
The effect of weave
ideas for patterned backgrounds created by blankets
samples using patterned blankets
the iron dip as rescue strategy
The random versus the considered
Using a 'fail as background for overprinting
An example of an overprinted rescue scarf. NB I mention a leaf called macleaya which you actually can't see in the video! The next video shows the missing macleaya
The missing macleaya!
a real example from student work
What next ?
Come for a walk round my garden with me
Caroline Nixon